Cool stuff blog
Friday, June 3, 2011
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Software before Hardware?
The way Apple thinks, it's better to get the system working, the interface, the usability ready and then and only then get the hardware working around that OS. Hardware is secondary, and it shows. Macs have always lacked the power PCs have. They are next to impossible to update/upgrade but they just work. There's no need for compatibility, look for drivers, the right component, no, none of that exist in Apple's garden, but, is that the way to go?
Certainly that's not the way to go for a PC enthusiast who opens his computer on a daily basis just for the heck of it. The person who knows his hardware certainly wishes to have a better control over what's in his computer. Change it, tweak it, upgrade it, that's a common day in PCs life, but what about the people who's looking for something that just works? That's where apple comes in and thats because they have control over every piece of the puzzle that building a computer is. They control It all, from hardware to software, and that's where they get their strengths.
This very same scheme came into play in the media market with the iPod line. A market they were not favored over big competitors such as Microsoft or Sony. But the computer approach simply worked. By building a device around usability, they managed to beat the competition despite it's obvious shortcomings. iPods were and have always been more expensive that it's counterparts but that seems to hardly matters when you have a device that simply works.
Apple came into the mobile phone market with the same a basic idea. Hardware based around great software, and they succeeded once again. Certainly the iOS has various areas to improve but the usability of the whole creates a device that is not only useful but also easy to the user.
This all seems very obvious and at some point stupid but, in actuality, it's a very deep topic and by no means an easy one to implement or even swallow, otherwise, why not all companies adapt this pattern into their workflow? It seems to work, so why not?
Monday, October 18, 2010
Great things...
Boobs are good for your health. Let's face it, 99% of a man's workout is done in order to get boobs, see boobs, feel boobs, heck, even thinking of boobs is exercise... Don't be fooled, that stiffy isn't free!
Boobs are good for the economy. Why in the name of all that is sacred would I buy pants if that's not because of the hot chick in the add holding that guy's groin? Maybe if I get those pants THAT will be my groin. Exactly. Why in the world would I buy that particular brand of beer I dislike if it wasn't because of the hot bikini girls playfully toying around with those cold cans of silver bullets? Maybe if I buy that beer, THEN I'll be the beer can. Exactly. Have I ever been in the position where that power tool could have saved my life? No! Heck no! But have you seen the way she's holding it so tightly? Maybe if I buy those tools.... Just maybe.... Then I'll be that friggin' tool! Let's face it, I'm a man and I wouldn't buy anything if it wasn't because it's somehow related to boobs. I'd be rich! I wouldn't send a dime at all! Heck, I wouldn't even buy milk!
Boobs are great for society. Let's face it, if boobs did not exist, why would a man go out? I'd stay all fucking day long in bed playing video games, facing in front of the computer reading stupid blogs like this and basically just sit around the house eating whatever tickles my fancy! Cities would be nothing but manless places where women roam around while men are comfortably at home. Boobs make you go out, move your but and see the sun, smell the flowers, feel the air in your skin, hear the birds chirp, and yes, stare at women with great racks wolfing down the street.
That's why boobs are great for your health, great for the economy, great for the country and great for society. And don't let anyone say the opposite, boobs are all around good. Otherwise God wouldn't have made them so damn perfect.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
AppStore Porn
Check the mosaics to find some interesting pixels ;)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Google Earth

GTA IV Record attempt

Now this guy will attempt to break the current 28 hr record for longest time playing GTA IV. You can follow his attempt through this page and even wish him good luck.
GTA Chinatown Wars is almost around the corner for the PSP players around the world and the previews are starting to flow. Check 'em out:

Smoking affects your intelligence.

This "cool habit" is the cause of damage to IQ according to scientific studies in the University of Aberdeen, in which scientists evaluated the mental capacity of 465 people of 64 years old that previously had been evaluated at the age of 11, in 1947, of which approximately 50% were smokers.
"The smokers had a lot worse results in five different IQ tests that the former smokers and the ones that never had smoked", affirm the authors.
"When sanitary and social factors as the education, the occupation and the consumption of alcohol they were taken into account, to smoke arose like an element that caused a fall in the cognitive capacity of until 1%", affirms the study.
Although still the molecular cause that affects the cognitive processes is ignored, is believed that free radicals freed by the chemists of the tobacco could be the causes of the problem.
Whalley LJ, Fox HC, Deary IJ, Starr JM. Childhood IQ, smoking and cognitive change from age 11 to 64 years. Addictive Behaviours (2005) 30: 77-88
Motivational Poster
Saturday, September 5, 2009
First Post
So grab a beer or share your joy with your friend Jack and let the fun begin.